5E Homebrew Rogue Subclass: The Maverick

Rogue Subclass: Maverick A Maverick is a rogue whose daredevil antics and gambling nature make them a reckless force of nature.  Mavericks love to manipulate fate by stealing the luck of their enemies using it to empower deadly card tricks or rolling their dice to manipulate outcomes in their favor.  Luck Stealer  At 3rd level,... Continue Reading →

Welcome To Brightwood: Don’t Worry, Be Happy

"Be Happy" cover by Adventures by Allie on DrivethruRPG. " Be Happy" is a 5e-compatible horror adventure written by Adventures by Allie on Drivethru RPG. I was able to preview this title and it immediately made me want to play in this adventure. The themes surrounding this title are directed toward grief, anxiety, and fear.... Continue Reading →

New Project Cover Reveal! Madam Sookie’s Gatorhut: Magical Items & other Curiosities

Cover Illustration by Allen Childers find more artwork at @childersartstudios Madam Sookie is a semi-benevolent Swamp Hag who traverses the multiverse in a Zombie Gatorhut named Gnaw Tooth. While she is more helpful than many hags she always has her own agenda for helping those she comes across. Madam Sookie's Gator Hut: Magical Items &... Continue Reading →

A Tourist to Discworld

I recently read my first book by Terry Pratchett and I am kicking myself for waiting until I was in my 40’s to do so! I found myself smiling at every other page. This Could quickly become one of my new favorite series and authors. In the book a failed wizard named Rincewind is paired... Continue Reading →

5E Homebrew Race: Ærachna (Spider-folk)

Ærachna (Spider-folk ) Ærachna (Spider-Folk) Ærachna are humanoid hybrid spider-folk. They are primarily a society of treetop dwelling clans who live in untamed  jungle forests. They are known throughout the realms for both their weaving craft and divination magic.  Wyrdweavers and Talespinners Ærachna magically tend to be diviners and storytellers. Many practitioners follow the weft... Continue Reading →

Spelljammer: Campaigns in Wildspace

Spelljammer was a popular campaign setting first published for AD&D ( Advanced Dungeons & Dragons) in 1989, that brought adventurers into the stars with a swashbuckling space fantasy campaign . This setting has remained popular for many D&D players over the years, myself included. In this setting spelljamming helms give nearly any object the motive... Continue Reading →

World of Aerwynd 5E Background: Crossroads Courier

Crossroads Courier Crossroads Couriers are freelance messengers and smugglers of various items throughout the realms. Protection and delivery of items are of the utmost importance. Crossroads Couriers use an interconnected labyrinth of backroads, alleyways, hidden routes and secret passages to travel across the realms. Your reputation is key in maintaining your business. Most couriers are... Continue Reading →

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